Pacific Nights

March 01, 2003

Birthday Madness

Filed under: — 8.56 pm

Well, last night was amazing. Many thanks to my friends who took time out of their busy lives to make my birthday so wonderful.

There was Nevena-who took a holiday from ruling the world (though she is still the uncontested queen), Nina- who missed a club meeting, and Eric-who tagged along, Josh-who didn’t lurk all night (!!!), Iram-who took time off of tomb-raiding and studying, Chester-who cancelled the Misery Solidarity for the day, and of course the famous Matthew (aka Mullenweg) who took the day (well, the night actually) off from pimpin’…

We started the evening at Star Pizza, where the food was matched only by the company. I felt a bit sorry for the non-St. Thomas students, as our conversation invariably drifted to our colorful, though self-important, student government. It was good catching up with Iram too! Between her schedule and mine, we rarely see each other, so it was quite a treat.

Matt came after dinner. He had spent the earlier part of the evening at a Jason Moran concert with Sarah W. After his arrival, we opened the traumatizing, but amusing package thoughtfully prepared for us by Rebecca. (And yes, Becca, you were right, it was a little difficult to explain ;) )

Then we went to Dessert Gallery for our sugar fix. Great place! I don’t know why we don’t go there more often! They threw us out at closing time, and the party disbanded. Iram and Chester went home, but for Josh, Matt, Nevena and me, the party was just getting started. We retired to my house, where we indulged in a movie marathon… Well… semi-marathon… We watched “About a Boy” and “Fight Club” (If you haven’t seen either of these, do yourself a favor and rent them! Excellent movies both!) after which, the boys went home, leaving Nevena and me to one of our typical discussions. Solving the world’s problems in just one night. :)

All in all, it was a fantastic evening. I have great friends.

Photos Compliments of Photomatt
Comic Compliments of InsaneStudios


  1. It was da bomb.

    Comment by Matt — March 01, 2003 @ 11.47 pm

  2. thank you for choosing one of the worst pictures of me that i have ever seen. :P

    Comment by josh — March 02, 2003 @ 6.05 am

  3. I was trying to convey the “lurking” that you were not doing… You are very very welcome :)

    Comment by SarahC — March 02, 2003 @ 8.54 am

  4. found you here from Matt’s digs… love the picture of him! and happy belated birthday! :)

    Comment by Kathy — March 02, 2003 @ 10.43 am

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