Pacific Nights

July 30, 2003

Ode to Becca

Filed under: — 3.29 pm

This is Becca’s installment in the Rappin Clique section of my site….
Well, Matt has finally gotten it together, so now we just have to synchronize the last verse… check back for new entries…

I got the magic click
I know if I can shoot once, I can shoot twice
I take the baddest pics,
Shorty you don’t believe me come stand by this light,
And I’ll show you Magic
(What? What?)
I’ve got the magic click.

I’m a voyeur like Tom Sawyer
Peeking through your fence, the digicam destroyer
If my lens catch ya girl
My fingers bound to curl
One or a hundred pics, I ain’t paying for no film
Knock the shutter like de la Hoya, enjoy ya
modesty while it lasts, cause I’m espescially fast
at taking pictures of yo’ ass. No need to ask
I’ll frame the shot, no need to fiddle
Unsurpassed at taking pictures that last en masse
And I ain’t in the dark with my hands wet, nope
I’m in the sun, the pimpin’ picture C.E.O.
The light is right, you can feel the love
Just sign this model release on the line above
I click a lot of chicks and you know they know
I mack hoes on ma-cro

Becca don’t keep score,
Just take pictures so good leave em beggin for more.
When it comes to takin pictures don’t test my skills
Cause I make you look good from yo head to yo heels.
Maybe one fine day it can pay my bills,
But right now I’m just doin’ it for the thrills.
I don’t need no croppin’ for even one picture
Just shoot, develop then slip it in to the fixer
Tonight I’ll be shootin, so get in the zone
No mo digital cameras to make you wince, whine and groan.
Guys if you want pictures just give me a ring
Dorky boys or curly hair, I’m down for anything
So while other photographers are sittin like stumps,
I’m takin’ it over from all of the chumps.
When I have the camera there’s no need to hide,
I’m the queen of them all, Mullenweg, step aside.

I’ve got the magic click,
I know if I can shoot once, I can shoot twice,
I take the baddest pics,
Shorty you don’t believe me come stand by this light,
And I’ll show you magic.
(What? What?)
I’ve got the Magic click…


  1. swweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.

    Comment by elissa — July 31, 2003 @ 12.24 am

  2. that is so excellent

    Comment by Julie — August 02, 2003 @ 3.00 pm

  3. Whoa, I never even noticed this! It’s great!

    Comment by Becca — August 05, 2003 @ 11.54 pm

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