Pacific Nights

February 08, 2003

Last Night’s Escapades

Filed under: — 11.44 am

Last night was the first meeting of the H-town crew since Becca left… True to form, I found out about it at 11:30pm when Matt called asking me if I wanted to watch a movie—at my house… :)

We went to House of Pies, then back to my place where we watched Zoolander… I fell asleep for the movie, but the features on the DVD were great.

The funniest part of the evening was the drive home…
We were talking about Alex Jones, commenting on how we never see him anymore, when to our right, there appeared a blue Civic… And yes, Alex was in the Driver’s Seat…
Weirdest. Coincidence. Ever!

Right now I’m supposed to be mopping… I would make a truly terrible housewife…cleaning is the most boring occupation…


Anyway… I never really thought that I would keep in touch with everyone like this! It’s really great! Kudos to Rachel or Julie or whoever it was who initially came up with Diedrich’s night…
The night has died, but the spirit lives on!

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