Pacific Nights

July 30, 2003


Filed under: — 3.25 pm

Funny how the assurance that your own misery is insignificant in the grand scheme of things has absolutely no effect on your general mood.
Maybe I’m just frustrated with the futility of my life right now. Maybe it’s my parents, my job, my friends… I’m thinking it must just be something to do with me… Maybe every week I have one day when I look at the world outside and see nothing but clouds and rain… The dreary type, that makes everything look gray, and seems that it will never end.
Maybe I am just a melancholy romantic… But that’s not how it feels right now….
I want to see lightning.


  1. I know this feeling! It’s like the old line quotes, “living lives of quiet desparation”. Lightening is a cliche’, highly overrated and more than likely to fry you. Best to look closer to home, yes?

    Comment by Carol — July 30, 2003 @ 4.00 pm

  2. I like the quote! Where is that from, I’ve heard it before… Perhaps it isn’t really lightning I’m looking for, perhaps it’s just a lighten-ing of the heavens…

    Comment by SarahC — July 30, 2003 @ 11.12 pm

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